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Empowering through participation

Daily Discovery empowers people through participation in activities designed to help build skills and increase community involvement. Individuals and staff (called “mentors”) build a weekly schedule together that includes innovative and engaging activities ranging from cooking to exercising, playing games to doing crafts, and visiting a museum to volunteering at a food bank.

For more information regarding participation requirements, please contact Erin Albertson via email or call 563-391-4834.

two mean playing an instrument
man planting a plant

Daily Discovery Locations

The two program locations provide the same service; however, individuals at Daily Discovery East also have access to nursing services and more individualized attention. Folks participating in Daily Discovery East tend to experience more significant medical, physical and/or intellectual challenges than those at Daily Discovery West.

Daily Discovery operates during the day at two locations­­:

Daily Discover East – 4201 Brady Street, Davenport

Daily Discovery West – 3402 Hickory Grove Road, Davenport

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